
首页    成都美国海外留学中心夏季学期结业典礼(第一期)在蓉举行

On July 3, 2018, the 2018 Summer Commencement held by G-MEO Chengdu American Center was held in Chengdu. The activity invited a number of distinguished guests including the Consul-general of the United States in Chengdu Mr. Jim Mullinax, as well as related leaders from the Chengdu Education Bureau  and Chengdu Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office. Its 2018 summer academic quarter compelled almost a hundred college students from 15 American universities to come to Chengdu. In the past five weeks, not only did the students participate in professional courses, but they also experienced first-hand a variety of Chengdu local folk customs and traditions. 

2018年7月3日,成都美国海外留学中心(G-MEO)夏季学期结业典礼在成都举行。活动邀请到美国驻成都总领事馆总领事Mr.Jim Mullinax,成都市教育局以及成都市外事侨务办公室相关领导出席。其2018年夏季学期吸引近百名来自15所美国高校的大学生抵蓉,在过去的五周时间内,学生们不但接受了专业的课程学习,还近距离体验了成都的民俗风情。

G-MEO is the country's first innovative China-based study abroad program, which was jointly founded between the Chengdu Municipal People's Government and G-MEO, and a G-MEO American Universities Alliance was formed with four universities in the United States. The program was officially initiated in 2013, with Sichuan University being the hosting institution in China. While American college students can continue to obtain their respective US university credits, they also partake in Chinese language and cultural courses and participate in internships in Chengdu in areas relevant to their major, which would be conducive to preparing them for future international exchange endeavors between China and the United States. The Chengdu Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office issues "Chengdu Overseas Friendship Ambassador" certificates to foreign students and professors, while the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Education provides specialized scholarships for students enrolled in this study abroad program.






2018年7月6日 09:57